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Restaraunt Adriatic

Restaraunt Adriatic smješten u Split pruža usluge pripreme jela i pića
Kontakt podaci
21000 Split, HR
Telefon: 021 / 398560
Odgovorna osoba: Zoran Grašo, Petar Grašo
Ostale informacije
Godina osnivanja: 1992

Radno vrijeme

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O nama

Our restaurant Adriatic is located on Sustipan cliff at the foot of Marjan hill, just 10 minutes walk from the city center. That is a unique position with a view of the city lights, the beautiful sea and the islands of the archipelago. For more than 30 years this place has been our home where we have spent countless beautiful moments with our friends and guests. At any moment we try to share with you the magic of flavors of this region. Our knowledge, passion, love and energy are the best invitation we can give you.


Kontakt (zatraži ponudu) i lokacija
Restaraunt Adriatic

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